Join Us

Are you interested in getting more involved in politics? Do you want to make a difference in the community you live in? Do you want to stand up for what you believe in, but have been frustrated by a complicated political and elections process? We know how you feel and can help.

The Pomona Valley Democratic Club is an organization with the purpose of providing resources to politically empower Pomona Valley people. We provide information and insight into the political landscape in the Pomona Valley.

Become a voting member:

To become a full member of the organization the membership dues are $15 per calendar year. You can pay via a check, please remit your application (follow the link at the bottom of this page) to our Membership Chair at and payment to the address below:

101 West Mission Blvd.
Pomona, CA 91766

With membership you have the right to vote on all endorsements and club elections. Help shape the future of this club and the Democratic Party. Membership is open to any registered democrat.

To become a full member of the organization the membership dues are as follows per calendar year.

*   $25 for Household Membership
*   $15 for Individual Membership
*   $5 for Limited Income Membership

The period of membership is from January first to the following January first.  Dues for any new membership added after October first will continue through the following year.  The Executive Board may propose special classes of annual dues to the membership for approval.

With membership you have the right to vote on all endorsements and club elections. Help shape the future of this club and the Democratic Party. Membership is open to any registered democrat.


Click here for our membership form! – PVDC Membership form

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